About Me
Hey y'all, I'm Gina.
I grew up in a little farming community in South Carolina, and I'm living back in that same community today, raising up two beautiful young people in a little family farmhouse tucked away in the country.
Being home with my family grounds my otherwise rambling spirit. I'm a traveler at heart, but I love the landscape of home, the rivers and dirt roads and cotton and tobacco fields, the kudzu, the wisteria vine, the magnolias, the old oaks...and I love the people, the generations of family relationships, and the sense of community. This place has heavily influenced the way I view the world and move in it, and the stories I write reflect that influence.
I hope the stories I share will remind you that we are all more alike than we are different, more connected than we sometimes believe, and that love is the most powerful force in the world.
Represented by:
Erin Niumata
Folio Literary Management